
A Haunted Series Standalone Novel

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“Evil will always present you with an easier path.  When you take these journeys, you will be pulled farther and farther from where the Fates want you.  The old witches will punish you.” 

The olive groves of 1960 Italy produced more than a crop of the finest olives but also the deepest of heartaches.  Angelo, a hybrid boy of eight years, loses his human mother and finds out his future isn’t the one he assumed he would have.  His father Matteo, a birdman of royal lineage, doesn’t want a hybrid to inherit his estate.  He casts Angelo out of the security of the village of St. Michaels into a world controlled by fate, birdmen, and dark wizards. 

Angelo is a deep dive into the past of one of my most enigmatic characters.  It’s great for new readers but also a must read for longtime fans of the Haunted Series.  Alexie Aaron